So this is pretty crazy and great. Why not? More Wu Tang is always better.
Relevant to My Interests
Joetorreous B.I.G., everybody.
Baseball is awesome. Japan is awesome. Baseball in Japan is super awesome.
Every Wes Anderson Song?
Now I need to start assembling this playlist.
Ms. Marvel Costume
Good parenting, folks! Terrible marketing, Marvel!
Sol Invictus
Roddy Bottum Wrote an Opera About Bigfoot
One thing that I think drew me to Faith No More when I was a teenager was how much they all just seemed like a bunch of weirdos. Not like weird-for-weird’s sake weirdos—I could never stand that phony shit—but like people that felt totally free to follow their muse to whatever weird-ass place it wanted to go. I respect that. And it looks like time hasn’t dulled that for them at all. Awesome.
This game looks almost more fun to pronounce than it looks to play. It’s a strategy game that dates back to the Viking era. I thought this set looked the best. One force has fewer troops and has to break free of an encircling opponent, but the rules for victory are different for both sides. It looks pretty cool.